Attendee List

Attendee List

The Attendee List feature allows teachers to control their students Audio and Video within the lesson. In addition, You can view which students are online so you can see if your next student is ready for their lesson. 

This is also where you can access our Breakout Audio for group classes.

We recommend taking a look at our Interactive Tour or Virtual Help Guide below for the Muzie.Live Attendee List. If you need any additional assistance, please use the help chat to send a message to our team.

1. From The Lesson Room

2. Click on Attendees

Click on Attendees

3. The Attendees List Will Open On The Side

The Attendees List Will Open On The Side

4. Mute All Audio - Turns Off All Student Microphones

Mute All Audio - Turns Off All Student Microphones

5. Mute All Video - Turns Off All Student Video Feeds

Mute All Video - Turns Off All Student Video Feeds

6. Mute All Output - Turns Off Students Output (Stops students from hearing the teacher)

Mute All Output - Turns Off Students Output (Stops students from hearing the teacher)

7. Control individuals Audio And Video From These Controls

Control individuals Audio And Video From These Controls

8. Click on Students Onlineā€¦

9. When Teacher is Controlling Audio Output This Message Will Display

When Teacher is Controlling Audio Output This Message Will Display

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