

Within the Assignment Tab teacher’s are able to create a library of assignments to easily share with their students in and outside of a lesson. Within each assignment the teacher can create custom instructions and attach practice materials such as files, whiteboards, links, and CLIPS. Assignments can be shared to multiple students or groups.

Teachers are able to view how much time each student spent practicing the assignment, how many times they opened it, the students notes, completion status, and added materials (such as Whiteboard edits or uploaded files/CLIPS). Assignments are also easily accessible within the lesson to review with your students.

Whiteboards in an Assignment:

Whiteboards in an Assignment allow students to collaborate interactively with their material and complete worksheets just like they would in a lesson.

Please note the settings of a Whiteboard before adding it to the Assignment (Private vs.Public, Global Lock, or Student Lock) as this can change how the whiteboard interacts in an assignment. For example a ‘Private Whiteboard’ will keep the changes the student makes to their Assignments’ Whiteboard private to you and the student. This will allow you to filter through each student’s whiteboards to see their individual work. While a ‘Public Whiteboard’ allows for group collaboration and all changes would be seen by all students and the teacher who have access to that Assignment. Another example would be if ‘Global Lock’ was enabled, the student would be on view only and not be able to edit or add anything to the whiteboard.

To see more information about Whiteboards and the settings options - see here. 

CLIPS in an Assignment:

Clips can be utilized several different ways within an assignment.

  1. The teacher can share a CLIP for their student(s) to play along with while they are practicing.
  2. The teacher can share a CLIP of instructions or a how-to for their student(s) to better understand the material.
  3. The teacher can ask their student(s) to upload a CLIP of their playing/practicing as a part of completing their assignment. 
  4. The teacher can upload a CLIP in an assignment to create a collaboration (multi-layered recording) where the student(s) can upload a CLIP to layer on top of the teachers- creating a Virtual Duet. 

Like with Whiteboards in an assignment, be sure to note the settings within a CLIP when you add it to the assignment. An example is that a Public CLIP in assignment will layer all of the students recordings on top of eachother to create an ensemble, while a private CLIP would just provide the student with their recording and the teachers. 

To see more information about CLIPS and the settings options - see here. 

Files in an Assignment:

Files in an Assignment will allow students to view up to two files/resources at a time. While CLIPs and Whiteboards will take over the full screen and are one at a time. 

Tools for Students within an Assignment:

The assignment tool provides the student with a practice environment completely customized by you (their teacher). Along with your provided materials and the ability to interact with your resources, the assignment tool also comes equipped with a metronome, student notes section and an automated practice timer. Their practice time recorded in the assingment will count towards your student’s practice time for the Leaderboards and Awards. 

We recommend taking a look at our Virtual Help Guide below of the Muzie.Live Assignment Tool. If you need any additional assistance, please use the help chat to send a message to our team.

(This Feature is only available for PRO Accounts)

1. From Your Teacher Portal

2. Click on Assignment

Click on Assignment

3. Click on New

Click on New

4. Add a Name

Add a Name

5. Enter Assignment Instructions

Enter Assignment Instructions

6. Click on Add File

Click on Add File

7. Click on Choose files to add…

8. Search For Resources To Attach

Search For Resources To Attach

9. Select Multiple Files To Add All At Once

Select Multiple Files To Add All At Once

10. Click on Save

Click on Save

11. Assignments AUTOSAVE

Assignments AUTOSAVE

12. Click on "X" to Close

13. Select Student or Group To Share With

Select Student or Group To Share With

14. Click on Share

Click on Share

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