Games, Activities, Worksheets, Whiteboard Templates and Sheet Music

Games, Activities, Worksheets, Whiteboard Templates and Sheet Music

Muzie.Live is pre-loaded with our proprietary Games, Activities, and Worksheets for Music Notation, Piano, Percussion, Guitar, Cello, Violin, Bass and general music. These include a range of activities from Escape Rooms to Major Scale Worksheets. We are always working on expanding this library of content so let us know if there is something missing that you would be interested in seeing. 

The Muzie.Live games are rotated seasonally, and feature highlighted games for holidays such as May the 4th (Star Wars Day), St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween, ect. At any given time you can expect over 200 activities in your PRO account plus DIY (do it yourself) templates to create your own games. 

The Muzie.Live Whiteboard and Worksheet Builder is also pre-loaded with Templates for any instrument and over 1,000 pieces of sheet music from your favorite composers. 

Best practice: Upload these to the Whiteboard for an easy interactive and engaging lesson for your students! Or share them in an Assignment for something fun and educational for them to do during the week! 

If you need any questions or need assistance accessing our pre-loaded content, please use the help chat to send a message to our team.

1. Go to Muzie.Live

2. Click on Files & Resources

3. Any Folder that is Orange and Purple is a "Muzie" Folder

4. Inside Will Be Games, Worksheets and Activities.

Inside Will Be Games, Worksheets and Activities.

5. There are Dozens of Folders With Pre Loaded Content

There are Dozens of Folders With Pre Loaded Content

6. These can be used in assignments, lessons, whiteboards or printed off!

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