Sharing Files

Sharing Files

The Muzie.Live file sharing system allows you to easily create a library of your content to share with your students. Upload Files, lesson materials, images, gifs, videos, and audio. There are no file size or storage limitations. All your content (including Whiteboards, Clips, and Assignments) can be found in the ‘Files & Resources’ tab in and outside of a lesson. Learn more about Managing your files in Muzie here. 

How to share or unshare a file with your student(s) or a Group: 

First Select the student(s) or Group you would like to share the file to. Navigate to the ‘Files & Resources’ tab, then simply toggle the share button on the file you are wanting your student to have access to. Once the Share button is toggled to purple, this means the file is successfully shared to your selected student(s) or Group. If the toggle is yellow, this means the file is only shared with some members of that group. To unshare a file, click the share button to toggle it back to gray.

How to share or unshare multiple file(s) with your student(s) or a Group: 

If you would like to share multiple files, navigate to the ‘Files & Resources’ tab and select the files you want to share. Then toggle the share button on one of the selected files to share all of the files you’ve selected. Once the Share button is toggled to purple, this means the file(s) are successfully shared to your selected student(s) or Group. If the toggle is yellow, this means the file is only shared with some members of that group. To unshare selected files, click the share button to toggle it back to gray. 

How to share or unshare a file with your student(s) in a lesson: 

Navigate to the ‘Files & Resources’ tab, then simply toggle the share button on the file you are wanting your student(s) to have access to. Once the Share button is toggled to purple, this means the file is successfully shared to all the participants in the lesson. If the toggle is yellow, this means the file is only shared with some participants in the lesson. To unshare a file, click the share button to toggle it back to gray.

When files are shared, these resources will be saved to your student’s practice room. They will also receive a notification in their newsfeed with a link taking them directly to their new content. 

We recommend taking a look at our Virtual Help Guide below of Sharing Files within If you need any additional assistance, please use the help chat to send a message to our team.

Please note: You can also share content the same way directly from the ‘Whiteboard’, ‘Assignments’ or ‘Clips’ tabs. 

1. From Your Teacher Portal

2. Select The Student or Student(s) You Wish to Share With

Select The Student You Wish to Share With

3. Navigate to the Resource You Wish to Share

Navigate to the Resource You Wish to Share

4. Select The "Share Toggle" to Share This Resource

5. When the Toggle is Purple, The File has Been Shared

When the Toggle is Purple, The File has Been Shared

6. Select The "Share Toggle" Again to Unshare This Resource

7. To Share With a Group - Click on Groups

To Share With a Group - Click on Groups

8. Select a Group

Select a Group

9. Navigate to the Resource You Wish to Share

Navigate to the Resource You Wish to Share

10. If the Toggle is Yellow/Orange - This file is only shared with SOME members of the group, select the toggle to share with all members of the Group.

11. File is Shared -Select The Toggle To Unshare From The Whole Group

File is Shared -Select The Toggle To Unshare From The Whole Group

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