

The Muzie.Live WhiteBoard is a fully interactive and collaborative WhiteBoard with built in musical notation. To get started within the Whiteboard, you can use a blank template, one of our Muzie Templates/Games/Activities/Sheet Music or upload your materials.

Creating a Whiteboard: 

  1. To create a Whiteboard in or outside of a lesson you will need to navigate to the Whiteboard Tab. In the top right hand corner there will be a ‘+ new’ button. In a lesson, this will automatically create the whiteboard shared to the participants in a lesson. Outside a lesson, ensure you’ve selected the student(s) you would like to share the board with. However, you can always go back and share with any additional students as needed. After selecting ‘+new’, you will be prompted to decide whether the whiteboard will be public or private. These are the two different kinds of whiteboards. 

*It is important to note that once a Whiteboard is set to Public or Private it cannot be changed. 

Private Whiteboards: A private Whiteboard will keep any changes the student makes to the Whiteboard private and only visible to the teacher and that student. It will also allow you to filter through each student’s whiteboards to see their individual work. 

  1. This type of Whiteboard is best for private 1:1 lessons, and individual group classes so it allows you to re-use the same whiteboard for multiple students.

Public Whiteboards: The Public Whiteboard allows for group collaboration and all changes made would be seen by all students that the whiteboard has been shared with and the teacher.
This type of whiteboard is best used for playing interactive games or collaborative projects for group classes. 
Once you’ve decided on a public or private whiteboard, you can select a template or file to upload or start fresh with a blank template. 

Another set of settings available are the different types of locks.  These can be adjusted back throughout the life of a whiteboard, but they can have different impacts in a lesson or assignment. As a default, all whiteboards are unlocked. 
  1. Whiteboard Global Lock: The Global Lock will not allow any student the ability to add or edit anything on the whiteboard. This will allow only the teacher to make changes. 
  1. Whiteboard Student Lock: The Student Lock allows the students to only move and edit content they have contributed to the Whiteboard, ensuring that the teacher’s elements are kept intact. Students can still add elements with this kind of lock. (Please note: This is available for private whiteboards only.)

Whiteboards in a Lesson: 
  1. The Whiteboards are compatible with all lesson types including online, Group, In person and even recital rooms. In each lesson type, all participants of a lesson can actively collaborate and interact with the board. This will allow students to be able to edit, move, delete or add elements in real time with you as you work together on the lesson material. When you use the Whiteboard during your lesson, the whiteboard file is automatically saved to yours and your student(s) accounts. 
  1. You can also add these WhiteBoards to Assignments later if you’d like your student(s) to continue working with them or as reference.

Whiteboards Outside of the Lesson: 
  1. Whiteboards in an Assignment: Whiteboards in an Assignment allow students to collaborate interactively with their material and complete worksheets just like they would in a lesson. Whiteboard types and lock settings will impact how a student is able to interact with their Whiteboard in an assignment. To learn more about Assignments please see here. 
  1. Whiteboards for Creating Studio Content: Outside of the lesson, the whiteboard has all the same tools and music notation. This is a great place to build out your own content for assignments or lesson materials such as worksheets. It also allows you a place to quickly create studio documents, grade homework or annotate scores.
  1. We do have customizable templates for games and worksheets to help you get started, see here for more information on our Games, Activities, Worksheets and Content available in our Pro Accounts.

On Screen Sharing Annotation and Why We recommend the Whiteboard instead: 

We often see teachers that are just switching platforms utilizing screen sharing annotation tools from their previous lesson platform. While it may be the only option for annotating your materials and documents on other platforms, we don’t recommend it for music lessons. Here are a couple reasons why:

Nothing in screen sharing is saved, and if your solution is taking a screenshot of that content before it disappears - you’ve taken an unnecessary step to save your content. Then you have to figure out how to share or email it so it doesn’t get lost. The Muzie.Live Whiteboard automatically saves to both yours and your students account. As the teacher, you can re-open the material with your previous notes/scoring in the next lesson or assign it to your student to work in between lessons. Your student can also go back and review at any time should they need a refresher.
While annotating a screenshare, the material is not collaborative. Your student is just watching you interact with the materials. On Muzie, we recommend uploading them into the whiteboard to increase collaborative engagement throughout your lesson. Allowing your students to participate and interact directly with the materials.

If you are incorporating screen sharing into your teaching workflow, we recommend using it in conjunction with the Whiteboard whenever possible to help increase student engagement.

We recommend taking a look at our Virtual Help Guide below of the Muzie.Live Whiteboard. If you need any additional assistance, please use the help chat to send a message to our team.

1 From Your Teacher Portal

2. Whiteboards Can Be Used Both Inside & Outside of Lessons

3. (Outside of Lessons) Select The Whiteboard Tab

(Outside of Lessons) Select The Whiteboard Tab

4. (Inside a Lesson) Click on Tools

(Inside a Lesson) Click on Tools

5. Click on Whiteboard

Click on Whiteboard

6. For Both - Click on New

For Both - Click on New

7. Click on Private or Public Whiteboard

Click on Private or Public Whiteboard

8. Click on Lock

Click on Lock

9. Choosing The Lock Setting (Important)

10. Choose "No Lock" If You Wish For Students To have Full Access In & Outside of Class

11. Choose "Global Lock" If You Wish For Students To Only View The Whiteboard (Students Cannot edit while this lock is enabled)

12. Click on "Student Lock" to Lock All Teacher Elements (Students can add their own content to this board in & out of lessons, but can not move or edit teachers input)

13. Pens, Pencils, Color, Shapes and other Tools are Available on This Tool Bar

Pens, Pencils, Color, Shapes and other Tools are Available on This Tool Bar

14. Copy & Paste

15. Eraser


16. Zoom Controls

Zoom Controls

17. Student Filter - For Private Whiteboards That Are Shared With Multiple Students

When a filter is applied all edits will only be shown to that student - when a private board shared to more than one person, only the template is shared between all who have access, all other edits are made independently with a filter applied.

Student Filter - For Private Whiteboards That Are Shared With Multiple Students

18. Save


19. Pre-Loaded Music Notation Can be Found In These Folders

Pre-Loaded Music Notation Can be Found In These Folders

20. Select a Folder

Select a Folder

21. The Elements Will Appear On The Side Bar

The Elements Will Appear On The Side Bar

22. Click on The Element You Wish To Use

Click on The Element You Wish To Use

23. Click & Drag Highlighted Element

24. Resize Highlighted Element

Resize Highlighted Element

25. Click on The Template Selection

Click on The Template Selection

26. Choose Any Template You Wish

Choose Any Template You Wish

27. To Open Pdfs Or Other Content Into Your Whiteboard

28. Click File

Click File

29. Upload or Use Files From Your Muzie File Manager

Upload or Use Files From Your Muzie File Manager

30. Choose any File To Bring Into The Whiteboard

Choose any File To Bring Into The Whiteboard

31. Choose a File

32. Select a File

Select a File

33. Click Open

Click Open

34. If You Are Using A PDF - Select ALL Pages to Add to This Whiteboard!

35. Name Whiteboard

Name Whiteboard

36. Click Save

Click Save

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